Do Celebrities Have Access to Health Insurance?

At least for film and television actors, the Film Actors Guild provides health insurance. Learn more about how celebrities have access to health insurance.

Do Celebrities Have Access to Health Insurance?

The majority of actors in film and television are members of the Film Actors Guild, which negotiates and administers health and other insurance policies. Unions provide health insurance to many people who work in the film industry, including actors. But many claim they can not apply because they do not work enough hours or have steady enough acting jobs to make the minimum wage. Loss of insurance coverage, if not already lost, is a real possibility for many actors whose policies are covered by unions. The majority of union members can get health insurance through the union's plan.

On the other hand, their coverage is typically tied to their annual income or number of hours worked. The National Health Service (NHS) provides subsidized and free medical care to many people, including celebrities. The National Health Service will still be relied upon by celebrities for outpatient treatments and visits to the family doctor, but hospitals and private care providers will be relied upon by many for long-term care. More than 33,000 participants and 32,000 dependents were promptly put at risk of losing their health insurance when the SAG-AFTRA Health Plan announced significant changes last summer. Affordable health care for all is now within reach thanks to a new federal law that went into effect this year. People with pre-existing conditions are no longer a barrier to coverage, and premium subsidies help keep costs down.

Although being uninsured has always been a reality for artists, health issues can have a devastating impact on their ability to make a living. They will still rely on the National Health Service for the majority of their medical care, regardless of whether they have private health insurance. Finally, whether it is via their unions or individual plans, famous people can get health insurance. Unfortunately, many famous people probably will not be able to use these choices because union plans have income requirements and the hours they work are quite unpredictable. Furthermore, the National Health Service is the go-to for medical care for a number of famous people.

Maryann Bisarra
Maryann Bisarra

Hardcore social media evangelist. Certified food fan. Hipster-friendly pop cultureaholic Passionate bacon trailblazer. Certified pop culture advocate.

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